寻电影篱笆墙外《Over the Hedge》英文简介。

篱笆墙外《Over the Hedge》中英对照简介

Time of eye being that spring for 1 year arrives in , all things on earth comes back to life , is rapidly moving towards prosperity , may think that neighbour inside the young tortoise Vaughn and his forest endless hibernation passes , opening to be not yet fully opened on waking up sleeping, home discovering self but is overturned heaven and earth , the natural country on which they rely for existing is bisected by gigantic one green fence.

Go and inquire about before Vaughn gets over the paling, the cropper rumbling sounding and bicycle of naughty little boy dispatch point to let him lose life , experience a hairbreadth escape returning to home Vaughn one's heart still fluttering with fear's telling everybody , are sure to be not allowed to get over half steps of boundary. When everybody is just the time for extremely afraid, all around roam about , experienced and knowledgeable small racoon RJ just via this place

又是一年春来到,万物复苏,欣欣向荣,可当小龟沃恩和他森林里的邻居经过漫长的冬眠,睁开惺忪睡眼之时,却发现自己的家园天翻地覆,他们赖以生存的自然国度被一扇巨大的绿色栅栏一分为二。 沃恩翻过栅栏前去打探,隆隆作响的割草机和顽皮小男孩的自行车差点让他送命,经历九死一生返回家园的沃恩心有余悸的告诉大家,千万不可越雷池半步。正当大家诚惶诚恐之时,四处流浪、见多识广的小浣熊RJ刚好途经此地