The Hunger Game is a series of three adventure novels written by the American author Suzanne Collins. The series is in The Hunger Game universe called"Panem", a country consisting of the wealthy Capitol and twelve districts in varying states of poverty. The story follows the young characters Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark from district twelve as they battle through a deadly royal and face the results of their every action.
饥饿游戏是由美国作家苏珊·柯林斯写的冒险小说系列。这个冒险小说是发生在饥饿游戏中的一个宇宙称为“Panem”,“Panem" 是一个富有繁华的城市中心和另外十二个贫困区域的国家。这篇小说讲诉两个十二区的年轻人物,凯特尼斯和皮特,他们跟城市中心的高级人员的致命斗争以及他们面对每一次挑战的结果,最终取得了胜利。