只有一个结局。不存在多结局。电脑是用来解锁一下功能的拿到2个笔记本 - "CoD Noir" Play the game in black and white.画面变黑白
拿到4个笔记本 - "Photo-Negative" Game colors become inverted.画面变成胶片效果
拿到6个笔记本 - "Super Contrast" Game's contrast increases.游戏画面对比度极强烈
拿到8个笔记本 - "Ragtime Warfare" The game feels like an old silent movie.画面类似老电影的效果
拿到10个笔记本 - "Cluster Bombs" One frag grenade thrown equals five in explosion.扔出去的手雷会分裂成集束炸弹,大约10个小炸弹
拿到15个笔记本 - "A Bad Year" Enemies explode into tires when shot.打死的敌人会变成汽车轮胎
拿到20个笔记本 - "Slow-Mo Ability" Game plays at 40% normal speed.在游戏中按下近身格斗键,游戏会减慢速度,类似于子弹速度模式,时间不限,你可以从头到尾慢动作打
拿到30个笔记本 - "Infinite Ammo" Just what it says 开启无限弹药功能