


Action/Selection Hot Key

Green Beret 1

Sniper 2

Diver 3

Sapper 4

Driver 5

Spy 6

Natasha 7

Thief 8

Whiskey 9

Wilson 9

Deselect all 0

Select various characters Number and Ctrl

Sniper Rifle A

Grenade A

Syringe A

Spike A

Shovel A

Knife A

Binoculars B

Swimming (Submerge) B

Swimming (Surface) B

First-aid kit C

Officer uniform D

Divers suit D

Snow clothes D

Natasha’s dress D

Wire Trap D

Mine Detector D

Stick to the enemy D

Rope ladder E

Order to go E

Fish Food E

Rifle F

Pistol G

Whistle H

Release Whiskey H

Wire Cutters I

Take off uniform J

Zodiak K

Bazooka K

Smoke Grenade K

Harpoon gun L

Blow Torch L

Sheet L

Sub Machine gun M

Sleeping pills N

Mines O

Poison Grenade O

Hit with bottle P

Trap P

Anti-tank mine P

Hit Q

Look above water Q

Look below water Q

Decoy R

Remote Bomb S

Lockpicks S

Lipstick S

Give orders S

Molotov cocktail S

Grappling hook S

Bury Yourself S

Cigarettes T

Put on uniform U

Tinned food V

Examine W

Attack mode X

Exit from X

Time Bomb Y

Order to look Z

Flame-thrower Z

Reveal and Hide control panel `

Enemy view Tab

Stand up and Crawl Space