1. merit
2. strong point
Relative explainations:
<excellent feature> <excellency> <one's strong suit> <perfection> <strongpoint> <virtue> <excellence> <good points> <beauty> <forte>
1. 温顺是他所欣赏的妻子的优点之一。
Meekness is a virtue he appreciates in his wife.
2. 他说他的计划的优点是最简单易行。
He said his plan had the virtue of being the easiest to implement.
3. 我承认他身上有种强有力的优点。
I grant a sledge-hammering sort of merit in him.(Dickens)
4. 他们因偏见而对计划的优点视而不见
Prejudice that blinded them to the merits of the proposal.
5. 这个房间把她绘画的优点充分显示出来。
The room shows off her paintings to good effect.