1. (v) be a nomad; drift about
2. (v) wander; roam
3. be homeless
4. (adj) unsettled (e.g., population); vagrant
<gipsy> <vagrancy> <vagabondism> <run the streets> <rove> <vagabondize> <vagabondage> <nomadize> <nomadism> <on the wallaby track> <vagrantness> <vagrantly> <divagation> <divagate> <gypsy> <mooch>
1. 他过着流浪生活。
He leads a vagabond life.
2. 那个流浪汉不得不乞求钱财。
The vagrant had to beg for money.
3. 人而无一住址者是为流浪汉,住址有二者是为放荡儿。
A man without an address is a vagabond; a man with two address is a libertine.
4. 杰克在他父母死后成了流浪儿。
Jack run the street after the death of his parents.
5. 他是个衣衫褴褛的流浪者。
He is a tramp in shabby old clothes.