80年代初,当"麦当娜旋风"席卷全世界时,美国的《时代》杂志和《人物》杂志竞相以她的照片做封面,她那潇洒的风度和迷人的气质,使用权她身价倍增。美国有线电视网评论说:"麦当娜是一种现象!50年代是“猫王”埃尔维斯·普莱斯利,60年代是“甲壳虫”乐队,70年代是埃尔 ·约翰,80年代是麦当娜时代!"
Madonna was born on the 16th of August 1958 in Rochester, Michigan, USA. Her family lived in Pontiac, Michigan at the time, but were visiting grandmother in Bay City when Madonna decided to appear in the world. She was christened Madonna Louise Ciccone, but her family used to called her 'Little Nonni'.......
麦当娜于1958年8月16日出生在美国密歇根州(Michigan)的罗吉斯特(Rochester)。她家当时位于密歇根洲(Michigan)的庞逖亚克(Pontiac),当麦当娜决定闯荡世界的时候寄住在BAY城的奶奶家里。她原来名为麦当娜 .路易斯.赛肯(Madonna Louise Ciccone),但家里人习惯叫她“小南尼”......
Madonna learnt to be strong and independent early in life and she carries a clear memory of her mother's courage: "She tried to keep her fear deep down inside and not let us know - she never complained". When the mother died the Ciccone family was torn apart.
She remembers: "There was always music in our house, either records or the radio or someone singing on the bathtub." Soon her father wanted her to take piano lessons, because most of the family played an musical instrument and his father was really big on that. Madonna was her father's favorite and persuaded him to let her take dance lessons instead!
她回忆道:"我家里音乐总是不断,不是录音机,收音机,就是有人在浴室里唱歌"。不久父亲又想让她学钢琴,因为家里大多数人都会一种乐器。父亲最擅长乐器。 但这不表明父亲宠爱麦当娜 ,她说服了父亲让她改学舞蹈。
Since year 1985, Madonna is known as a person who can do anything: she is a singer, an actress, a composer, a producer and an executive. Madonna has success everywhere.
Madonna is the richest woman in the world followed closely by Oprah Winfrey. Madonna makes about 130 millions US$ for a year ! Continuously released albums, singles, music- videos and movies hold Madonna's myth high.
麦当娜是世界上最富有的女人,仅次于Oprah Winfrey。她每年收入在一亿三千万美元!!!接连不断地推出新唱集,单曲,音乐录像片和影片使她名气神奇般的居高不下。