title(书名要英文书):Twilight (暮光之城1)
character(主角英文名):Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Jacob Black (故事里面的名字哦)
summary(能容简介也要英文问的):Bella Swan moved to live with her father because her mother found a new husband.when bella was about to be crushed by a classmate's van in the school parking lot, her classmate edward saves her. A family friend, Jacob Black, tells her a story that bella concludes Edward is a vampire.when Edward and Bella fell in love their relationship was affected by a nomadic vampire coven-james who wants to hunt Bella.
title(书名要英文书):The Hunger Games (饥饿游戏)
character(主角英文名):Katniss Everdeen,Gale Hawthorne,Peeta Mellark (故事里面的名字哦)
summary(能容简介也要英文问的):Set in a future where the Capitol selects a boy and girl from the twelve districts to fight to the death on live television, Katniss Everdeen volunteers to take her younger sister's place for the latest match.The chosen one will try to kill each other until there is only one survivor left.
故事饱背景巷设驼定当在桂大灾鞋变贯后丧的所北室美党洲蝇,自废冕墟寂建扎立起的“施片惠国”之鞭中执。承在义国律家建立藕后铡不搔久康,梧其中12盾个行政惠区发公动叛昏变,门然舆而这场声势浩大逐的叛誉变却舒迅速被查都城以高科毒技与肢优釜势军兜力魄平皱息远。馏为了惩罚瞄发动叛乱锯的徒各举行政托区,巴都撅城要求夜所傣有行政区捅每年矗都其必须派出一对划少观年迁少女已到竞怖技腋场参加构“窒饥躺饿游戏迂”辈(Hunger Games),同谜时透过电视勒转播坚播出讽“贡品”们瞩的比迁赛祥过睡程探。除建了拥比谍赛开始后60缓秒拎不象可踏惧离原桃地外由,游锑戏没有任何规焚则拘,拄包括詹杀人浑也不蕊受点限制,野而皮最后存活的斟贡品冤即铱为胜像利者。