mania的意思是狂躁症,Please read:
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This article is an expansion of a section entitled Mania from within the main article Bipolar disorder .这篇文章是题为内的主要文章躁郁症 疯狂扩张的一节。 For other uses, see Mania (disambiguation) .作其他用途,请疯狂(消歧义)。
Manic episode躁狂发作
Classification and external resources 分类系统及外部资源
ICD - 10 疾病分类 - 10 F 30. F 30。
ICD - 9 疾病分类 - 9 296.0 Single manic episode, 296.4 Most recent episode manic, 296.6 Most recent episode mixed 296.0单躁狂发作,296.4最新事件狂躁,296.6最新事件混合
MeSH 网格 D001714 D001714
Mania (from Greek μαν?α from μα?νομαι - mainomai , "to rage, to be furious") is a state of abnormally elevated or irritable mood , arousal, and/ or energy levels, which is a criterion for certain psychiatric diagnoses. [ 1 ] There are several possible causes for mania including drug abuse and brain tumors, but it is most often associated with bipolar disorder , where episodes of mania alternate with episodes of major depression . 疯狂 (从从μα?νομαι 希腊 μαν?α - mainomai,“猖獗,被愤怒”)是一种异常升高或烦躁的心情 ,兴奋的状态,和/或能量水平,这是某些精神病的诊断标准。[1]有有几种可能的原因躁狂症,包括滥用毒品和脑肿瘤,但它往往与躁郁症 ,有关地方情节躁狂症与抑郁交替发作。 These cycles may relate to diurnal rhythms and environmental stressors .这些周期可能与昼夜节律和环境压力 。 Mania varies in intensity, from mild mania (known as hypomania ) to full-blown mania with psychotic features ( hallucinations and delusions ).疯狂的强度不同,从轻度躁狂症,(被称为轻躁狂 ),以全面的与( 幻觉和妄想 )精神病特征热潮。 Mania and hypomania have also been associated with creativity and artistic talent. [ 2 ] In the most severe cases, however, manic patients may need to be hospitalized to protect themselves and others.躁狂和轻躁狂还与创意和艺术才华。[2]在最严重的病例,但是,躁狂病人可能需要住院,以保护自己和他人。
Contents目录 [hide]
1 Characteristics 1 特性
2 Mixed states 2 混合态
3 Hypomania 3 轻躁狂
4 Associated disorders 4 相关疾病
5 Medical treatment 5 医疗
6 Psychopharmacology 6 精神药理学
7 Mania and over the counter drugs 7 疯狂和非处方药
8 Personal accounts 8 个人帐户
9 See also 9 参见
10 References 10 参考
11 Further Readings 11 进一步的读物
12 External links 12 外部链接
[ edit ] Characteristics [ 编辑 ] 特征
Characteristics of mania include rapid speech , racing thoughts, decreased need for sleep, hypersexuality , euphoria , impulsiveness, grandiosity , and increased interest in goal-directed activities. [ 3 ] Mild forms of mania, known as hypomania , cause little or no impairment, but some people who suffer from prolonged hypomania may develop full mania. [ 4 ]躁狂症的特征包括快速的讲话 ,思绪,减少睡眠,hypersexuality, 欣快感 ,易冲动, 宏伟的需要,并增加了针对活动的目标利益。[3]为轻躁狂称为躁狂症,温和的形式,很少或没有造成损害,但有些人因长期轻躁狂谁可能遭受全面发展热潮。[4]
Another characteristic of mania is racing thoughts during which the sufferer is excessively distracted by unimportant stimuli. [ 5 ] This negative experience creates an inability to function and an absentmindedness where the manic individual's thoughts totally preoccupy him or her, making him or her unable to keep track of time or be aware of anything besides the flow of thoughts.狂热的另一个特点是比赛期间,患者受到了过分的刺激而分心的想法不重要。[5]这种消极的经验,创建了一个无法运作和注意力分散其中躁狂个人的想法完全全神贯注他或她,这使他或她无法跟上跟踪时间是除了思想流动任何事。 Racing thoughts also interfere with the ability to fall asleep.思绪也干扰能力入睡。
Manic characteristics include irritability , anger or rage, delusions , hypersensitivity, hypersexuality , hyper- religiosity , hyperactivity , impulsiveness, racing thoughts, talkativeness, pressure to keep talking or rapid speech, grandiose ideas and plans, and decreased need for sleep (eg feels rested after 3 or 4 hours of sleep).躁狂特征包括烦躁 ,愤怒,愤怒, 妄想 ,过敏,hypersexuality,超的宗教信仰 , 多动 ,冲动,思绪,多话,压力保持或快速讲话说,宏伟的思想和计划,并减少对睡眠的需要(如感觉休息在3或4小时的睡眠)。 In manic and hypomanic cases, the afflicted person may engage in out of character behavior such as questionable business transactions, wasteful expenditures of money, risky sexual activity, recreational drug abuse, abnormal social interaction, or highly vocal arguments uncharacteristic of previous behaviors.在躁狂和轻躁狂的情况下,受灾的人,可以从事诸如可疑的商业交易,资金浪费开支,危险性活动, 娱乐性药物滥用,不正常的社会交往,或高度上的议论声如此异常的行为在他的性格行为。 These behaviors increase stress in personal relationships, problems at work and increase the risk of altercations with law enforcement as well as being at high risk of impulsively taking part in activities potentially harmful to self and others. [ citation needed ]这些行为增加人际关系紧张,工作问题,提高执法争吵的风险,以及正在参与的冲动活动可能危害自己和他人的高风险。[ 编辑 ]
Although "severely elevated mood" sounds somewhat desirable and enjoyable, the experience of mania is often quite unpleasant and sometimes disturbing, if not frightening, for the person involved (and those close to them), and may lead to impulsive behavior that may later be regretted.虽然“严重升高心情”听起来有点可取的,愉快的,躁狂症的经验往往是相当不愉快,有时令人不安的是,如果并不可怕,对有关的人(以及那些向他们关闭),并可能导致冲动行为,可能会在以后感到遗憾。 It can also often be complicated by the sufferer's lack of judgment and insight regarding periods of exacerbation of characteristic states.它也往往是复杂患者的判断和了解有关国家的特点,缺乏加剧时期。 Manic patients are frequently grandiose, obsessive, impulsive, irritable, belligerent, and frequently deny anything is wrong with them.躁狂患者往往宏大,强迫,冲动,易怒,好斗,经常拒绝任何与他们错了。 Because mania frequently encourages high energy and decreased perception of need or ability to sleep, within a few days of a manic cycle, sleep-deprived psychosis may appear, further complicating the ability to think clearly.由于狂热经常鼓励高耗能,减少或能力的需要睡觉的看法,在一个疯狂的循环,剥夺睡眠精神病 ,可能会出现,进一步复杂化的能力,想清楚了几天。 Racing thoughts and misperceptions lead to frustration and decreased ability to communicate with others.赛车的想法和误解导致挫折的能力下降,并与他人沟通。
There are different "stages" or "states" of mania.有不同的“阶段”或“国家的狂热”。 For example, a minor state may involve increased creativity, wit, gregariousness, and ambition.例如,一个小国家,可能涉及更大的创造力,智慧,合群,和雄心。 However, a more serious state of mania may involve lack of good judgment, lack of ability to focus, and even psychosis .然而,更严重的躁狂症可能涉及国家良好的判断力,集中精力的能力缺乏,甚至精神病 。 The victim of mania may feel elated; however, he/she may also feel irritable, frustrated, and may experience derealization .躁狂症的受害者可能会感到高兴,但他/她可能觉得烦躁,沮丧,可能会遇到现实解体 。
[ edit ] Mixed states [ 编辑 ] 混合态
Main article: Mixed episode主条目: 混合集
Mania can be experienced at the same time as depression, in a mixed episode . Dysphoric mania is primarily manic and agitated depression is primarily depressed.疯狂经历可以作为抑郁症的同时,在混合发作 。 烦躁狂热主要是躁狂和抑郁症激动主要是沮丧。 This has caused speculation amongst doctors that mania and depression are two independent axes in a bipolar spectrum , rather than opposites.这已引起医生猜测,躁狂症和抑郁症是两个独立的轴在双极频谱 ,而不是对立的。
There is an increased probability of suicide in the mixed state, as depressed individuals who are also manic have the energy needed to commit the act and the thoughts of depression that would lead them initially to suicide.有一个自杀的混合状态的可能性越来越大,如抑郁症躁狂谁也有需要承诺的行为和抑郁症的想法,会导致他们自杀的最初能量。
[ edit ] Hypomania [ 编辑 ] 轻躁狂
Main article: Hypomania主条目: 轻躁狂
Hypomania is a lowered state of mania that does little to impair function or decrease quality of life [ 6 ] .轻躁狂是一种癫狂状态下降,不会对功能或减少损害生活质量[6]。 In hypomania there is less need for sleep, and both goal-motivated behavior and metabolism increase.在轻躁狂有睡眠需求减少,这两个目标,动机和行为,提高新陈代谢。 Though the elevated mood and energy level typical of hypomania could be seen as a benefit, mania itself generally has many undesirable consequences including suicidal tendencies.虽然高架心情和能级的轻躁狂的典型可以被看作是一项福利,狂热本身一般具有自杀倾向,其中包括许多不良后果。
[ edit ] Associated disorders [ 编辑 ] 相关疾病
A single manic episode is sufficient to diagnose Bipolar I Disorder .单一躁狂发作足以诊断双相I型障碍 。 Hypomania may be indicative of Bipolar II Disorder or Cyclothymia .轻躁狂可能表明第二双极障碍或环性心境障碍 。 However, if prominent psychotic symptoms are present for a duration significantly longer than the mood episode, a diagnosis of Schizoaffective Disorder is more appropriate.Several types of Mania such as kleptomania and pyromania are related more closely to OCD than to Bipolar Disorder, depending on the seriousness of these disorders.但是,如果突出的精神病症状,持续时间为1比事件的情绪,一个精神分裂症障碍诊断显着延长,更appropriate.Several疯狂的类型,如kleptomania和放火狂的关系较为紧密, 强迫症 ,而不是躁郁症,取决于这些疾病的严重程度。 For instance, someone with kleptomania who suffers from impulses to steal things such as pencils, pens, and paperclips is better diagnosed with a form of OCD or Hypomania, but someone with pyromania who receives impulses to commit serious acts of arson (setting fire to large areas of private and/or public property) would be diagnosed with a very serious case of Mania or Bipolar Disorder.例如,有人用kleptomania谁的冲动遭受窃取,如铅笔,钢笔东西,纸夹更好诊断患有强迫症或轻躁狂的形式,而是放火狂谁收到的冲动犯下纵火严重的行为人(放火大私人领域和/或公***财产)将与躁狂症或躁郁症非常严重的情况下诊断。
B12 deficiency can also cause characteristics of mania and psychosis. [ 7 ] [ 8 ] B12缺乏还可能导致躁狂症和精神病的特征。[7] [8]