Quatre grandes inventions de la boussole, avant que de l'invention de la boussole humaine diriger dans les conséquences inimaginables de mer, souvent désorienté et causé ouvertes, soit une invention chinoise de la boussole, navigation avec la direction humaine. La discrimination est aux roulements de boussole d'un appareil simple. Quatre grandes inventions de la Chine antique une. Le composant principal de l'installation est un axe de rotation libre de l'aiguille. L'aiguille dans le champ magnétique peut être maintenue sous la direction magnétique radiale de la tangente. L'aiguille de la géographie à l'utilisation arctique et antarctique de cette exécution peut identifier la direction. Utilisé généralement dans la navigation, la géodésie, le voyage et les domaines militaires. L'invention de la boussole de nos personnes travaillantes, la pratique à long terme de l'arrangement magnétique d'objets des résultats. En raison du travail de production, les gens en contact avec la magnétite, a commencé la nature magnétique de l'arrangement. C'était nature magnétique d'abord découverte de rail d'amorce. Plus tard j'ai découvert que la nature de l'aimant. Avec de diverse expériences et recherche, et finalement l'invention de la boussole peut être pratique. La découverte des phénomènes magnétiques que Pre-Qin chronomètre nos ancêtres ont beaucoup accumulé de la connaissance à cet égard, explorant la magnétite souvent produite de minerai de fer, la magnétite (les composants principaux de la magnétite). Ces résultats ont été enregistrés un à long terme il y a vers le bas. ? Tube ? plusieurs d'articles disques le plus t?t de ces découvertes : ? un aimant aux montagnes, sous lesquelles le bronze. De ? autres classiques tels que ? le livre des montagnes et des mers, ? a également un disque semblable. Des caractéristiques magnétiques d'absorption de fer très t?t ont été trouvées, chapitre compétent de ? Lüshichunqiu ? neuf volumes seuls : le ? chee frotte le rail, ou parce qu'elles sont citées. ? Leur a à ce moment-là appelé ? le chee ? magnétique aimant attirant le fer comme mère de leurs enfants pour attirer. Et dit : ? C'est une mère en pierre dure, mais le chee de chee de Shi et deux, pierres d'amour peuvent attirer ses enfants. pas la charité, les pierres ne sera attirée. ? Han après, elle a été faite a été mise un aimant ? pierre de chee ? est une pierre affectueuse. Comme aimant attirant le fer, ainsi s'ils peuvent attirer d'autres métaux ? Nos ancêtres ont fait beaucoup pour essayer et trouver un aimant non seulement pour attirer l'or, l'argent, le cuivre et d'autres métaux. la tuile ne pourra pas attirer de tels articles. Quand les personnes occidentales se sont rendues compte que le seul aimant attirant le fer, qui peut attirer d'autres articles. Quand deux aimants sont remontés dans la proximité étroite entre eux, s'attirer parfois, parfois mutuellement exclusif. Maintenant les gens savent que les aimants ont deux poteaux, et on a appelé le poteau de N, très un S dit. Mutuellement exclusif d'homosexuel très, attraction mutuelle très hétérosexuelle. ? ce moment-là, les gens n'ont pas su la raison, mais ce phénomène est de noter que. Du Han occidental, un grand alchimiste nommé de Luan, il s'est servi de la nature magnétique des deux échec-comme des choses en ajustant la polarité de la position mutuelle de deux gages, et du gage parfois deux pour s'attirer, parfois mutuellement exclusif. Jeu de seau appelé par Luan de Tai ? . ? Il a considéré ce jeu étrange consacré à la dynastie de Han, et la démonstration de tache. La joie étonnante par dynastie de Han, poumon considérablement Wyatt, Luan s'est fermée sensiblement, le ? Général Lee cinq. ? Nature de Tai Luan de l'utilisation d'un aimant, produite un jeu étrange pour tricher la dynastie de Han. La terre est un grand aimant, les deux étaient très près de la géographie antarctique et des secteurs géographiques dans l'Arctique. Ainsi la surface des aimants de la terre, rotation libre, les aimants sera pour l'attraction homosexuelle, la nature de la direction au nord-sud de PHASE hétérosexuelle. La raison les ancients assez non clairs, mais ce phénomène très clair. La boussole des patriarches -- La boussole de SI Nan au sujet de l'ancêtre est apparue dans la période faisante la guerre d'états. Elle est faite d'aimant naturel. Ressembler à un Shangdi, le fond, sur les ? emplacements lisses, ? et pour maintenir un équilibre, et le bidon tournant librement. Quand il est statique, la cuillère serait aigu? aux sud. Les ancients seul ont appelé le ? SI Nan ?, le livre, ? Han Feizi ? : ? SI Nan Wang d'abord à l'extrémité durant la nuit. L'extrémité de "" la soirée, ? est maintenant le quartet, la position signifiera. Des disques de ? Guiguzi ? du SI Nan, personnes d'Eao Yu Zheng sur la ceinture de SI Nan pour les assurer ne perdent pas la direction. La période de printemps et d'automne, les gens avait pu en mesure à la dureté de 5 degrés à 7 degrés de nephrite et la jadéite sculpted dans la forme de divers ustensiles, dureté et mettent en bo?te donc seulement 5.5 degrés à 6.5 degrés de SI fait par aimant naturel Nan. La dynastie orientale Wang de Han en son livre ? tout bien pesé ? des formes et des directions de SI Nan a noté clair. SI Nan est bloc après cuillère aimant-faite considérante, poteau de guide de cuillère, font la cuillère entière exactement que le foyer est tombé au centre de l'extrémité de la cuillère, cuillère sous les chantiers de construction lisses, emplacements étrangers dans Yens, Riganzhi autour gravés avec les couples, à la synthèse de 24. Cette conception est une observation sérieuse des ancients beaucoup de la nature magnétique du phénomène, et beaucoup accumulé de la connaissance et d'expérience, après des années d'étude avant accomplissement. Les personnes de SI Nan sont l'apparition de la polarité magnétique r efers to the practical application of knowledge. But SI Nan has many flaws, natural magnet is not easy to find, easy processing time for combat, and the heat loss of excitation. So SI Nan magnetic relatively weak, but contacts with the Office site to be very smooth, otherwise they will be turning too much friction, trying rotation, could not achieve the intended effect of the guidelines. SI Nan and a certain size and weight, very convenient to carry, This is probably not SI Nan long been widely used in 2001. SI Nan bronze plate made and natural magnet magnetic component spoon, a bronze plate inscribed with the 24 to disregard magnetic disk spoon in the center disc. static, spoon at the end of the South. The invention of the compass, the ancient folk used to cut thin leaf iron into fish, fish in the abdomen slightly hollow, like a small boat, After magnetic floating in the water, we will be able to guide the North. At that time, which is used as a game. Cui Eastern leopard in the "ancient Note," which referred to the "Guide to fish." Northern Song Dynasty, Zeng Qiliang in public, "General Military" contains guidelines for the production and use of the fish : "Rail thin with leaves tailoring, Ercun length, width 0.2, both sharp as fish, at the expense of charcoal fire rage, Hou Link red iron seal seal fish out the first fire, the end is to pair up spaces Zhanshui desired shape is not only the final minutes to close for harvests. use, no home Shuiwan in the wind perpendicularly fish in the water, floating, to its first regular afternoon also. "This is an artificial magnetic methods, which use the earth's magnetic field, magnetization of iron tablets. That is a hot iron tablets placed in the radial direction. Hot iron plates internal elements in a relatively activities of the state, so that iron molecule along with the direction of the Earth's magnetic field, achieve the purpose of magnetization. Dipping into the water, and this can be arranged quickly fixed, and the Merlion will increase slightly downward slopping magnetization. Artificial magnetization method, the invention of the compass use and development has played a tremendous role. The magnetic and geomagnetic development is a major event in history. Shen Kuo in the Northern Song Dynasty, "Meng Xi Bi Tan," said another artificial magnetic approach : "Magnetic Mount expert to head, they can guide. "by Shen Kuo said, the technicians used a magnet to friction needle, then onto the magnetic needle. From the current point of view, this is a natural magnet to the magnetic field, enable pin internal magnetic domain of convergence with a certain direction, so that the pin shows that the magnetic method. This method than geomagnetic method is simple, but effective than geomagnetic magnetization method, and the friction law is the world's earliest inventions, but for the practical value of the magnetic point for the emergence created the conditions. Shen Kuo also "Meng Xi Bi Tan," a supplement to absorb, talked about the law of friction caused by the magnetic phenomena : "magnet Mount head, often sharply Department guidelines also refer to the North, the fear of sexual or stone ... contrary to the South and the North should vary, do not have a deep examination ears. "That is to say, using a magnet to friction needle, the needle guide sometimes front, sometimes refers to the North. From the current perspective, a magnet has two N and S poles, and when magnetized needle head position, is the magnetization direction is different. But Sheng Kuo did not know the reason, he's a true record of this phenomenon and frankly admit that they did not do in-depth thinking. In the expectation that future generations can be further explored. On the needle devices, Sheng Kuo introduced the four methods : 1. Float water -- will wear the needle on top of Juncus effusus floating in the water, can direction. 2. Rotary Bowl lips fixed -- the needle up on CD brink of the needle can rotate direction. 3. Rotary fixed fingernails -- put aside the needle above fingernails as nail is smooth, rotating the needle can be easily and direction. 4. Clothed hanging Act -- the needle in the central Tu some wax, a sticky silk, hanging in the wind not as a place that can instruct the course. Shen Kuo also on the four methods of comparison, he noted that the water float the biggest drawback of the water easily sloshing impact on the measurement results. Bowl rotation fixed lip and nail fixed rotation, as a small friction, rotation is very flexible, but tend to fall. Sheng Kuo compared hold in esteem the thread hanging, in his view, is an ideal and practical way. In fact Sheng Kuo noted that the four methods to date have been summarized in the two devices compass system -- water and dry needle acupuncture. "Meng Xi Bi Tan" Shen Kuo (1031-1095), author of the ancient Chinese science and technology works, The book told of magnetic compass and some of the problems. Southern Yuan Chen Liang in the "Lin Guang Ji," on the fish and other Guide Guide turtles making. This guide fish with "armed by the" documented in a book is different is the use of wooden statue fish fingers are so big muyu into the belly of a natural magnet placement, the magnet S pole at the head, sealed with wax good, I fish from a needle inserted. Guide fish become. Be floating on the water surface, the head guide, this is a dose of water category. Guide turtle is popular at the time a new device, a lodestone placed in the abdominal wood turtles, Abdominal wood turtles in the bottom of a smooth dug a hole at the tower and placed on the board in the top of a sharp slide in Penny reinforce, This wood turtles were placed in a fixed, free rotation on the fulcrum. As the fulcrum Department friction small, wood turtles can freely turn Guide. When it is not used for navigation and direction, and for the trick. But this is the subsequent emergence of the precursor dry compass. Guide turtles invention was not later than 1325. - Etched pieces of wood turtles, tortoises embedded in the abdomen magnet center, wood turtles are located in Tsim prop-up, when stationary-guide both the North. Compass position to determine the direction of the compass addition, they also need a round plate match. Initially use the compass, it may not have a fixed position plate, with the need to measure the direction, a position of the needle site and integrated compass. Geomantic compass with the Romanian site and water compass, dry compass. Azimuth site is 24 to, but the disk has been turned into a square circle. Such a look at the position of the needle plate in the position, we will be able to conclude that position out. Southern, has three different "words were recorded by the" records of the literature in this area : "in Beaufort or Meridian is the arm Meridian C or scraping between needle. "This is the Romanian site of the earliest documented. Described in the literature "to Lo," is to Romania, is the Romanian site. Literature has been put magnetic declination of knowledge on the use of the compass. This is not only a compass needle Meridian (to determine the direction of magnetic poles, the magnetic needle) Meridian also between C scraping needle (with the shadow of the sun to determine the geographic poles, direction) between the two directions at an angle, is the magnetic declination. Disks around 24 engraved position, in which water, the needle across Story, floating on the water surface. Now we already know that the Earth's magnetic pole and two geographical poles, is nearly no coincidence. The needle at the Earth's magnetic pole, not the geographic North and South poles, and so the needle means it is not due south. Zhengbei direction of some variation of this is called magnetic declination angle. Because Earth's spherical approximation, the magnetic needle pointing it downward slopping at the Pole, and a horizontal angle. as the angle between magnetic inclination. Different locations of the magnetic declination and inclination not the same. A book of the Song Dynasty, "by the total force to" On the manufacturing method using magnetic compass, it is attention to the use of magnetic angle. Sheng Kuo "Meng Xi Bi Tan," On the compass guide incomplete, and often micro-easterly. That the magnetic declination of its existence. Magnetic declination and inclination of the discovery of the compass point is accurate. Magnetic properties of an application by the invention of the compass will soon be applied in the military, production and daily life, topographical surveys, Navigation in particular. Compass navigation in the application development is a gradual process. Book's slightly later than the "Meng Xi Bi Tan," "Ping Chau to talk about" in mind : "Battles understanding geography, were viewing the night, the day it concept, Compass concept is dubious. "This is the world's navigation history of the earliest recorded use of the compass. Wen pointed out that in the Bible, only when they can not see the use of the compass, we can see the beginning of the use of the compass. use less than skilled. 20 years later, Xu Jing "and announced plans by an Ambassador Korea" has a similar record : "However, as the former star Mai, If unlucky offerings used needles floating guide to estimate the South and the North. "to the Yuan Dynasty, Compass has leapt from the sea means freedom of the most important instruments of. Yin Ching both day and night using a compass navigation. But also prepared to use the compass navigation, sailing in different locations compass needle-connectivity plan, which is called the "needle Road." Ship to go to a place, Dr needle-direction, road marking routes are all aware, as the basis for navigation. The invention of the compass, the ancient ancestors of magnetic phenomena observed and the results of the study. Ancient ancestors of magnetic phenomena for observation and study the process further understanding of the magnetic nature, and attempting to use more of this nature. Legendary emperor built Afang Palace, it is a magnet Gongmen Daoyin manufactured. If the assassin with a sword and that will be immediately attracts, the guards were caught red-handed. This is also the story of many, "Jin Shu. Malone Biography "documented Malone shuaibing western Gansu, Shaanxi, of the enemy to go through the narrow roads on either side, stacking magnet. The soldier wearing armor when passing by the firm attracts, the paralyzed. Malone, the soldiers wore Xijia, a magnet for they have no role to act freely. Enemies that magic, and no war is made. Eastern Han Dynasty "foreign body Chi" recorded around the islands in the South China Sea some shoals containing magnet Regular magnet "to restrain iron leaf" of the ship attracts, it is difficult to escape. Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, my ancestors on the nature of magnets has been a lot of awareness. Even when the poet Cao Zhi Zhi Jiao poem was used for "magnetic iron primer on gold is not even. "Sentence. It is evident that he also understands the nature of a magnet. Northern and Southern Dynasties Liang Tao Hongjing behalf of the "other doctors were" submitted to the magnetic measurement methods, he noted : excellent magnet produced in the South, a strong magnetic, attracting 3, 4 iron, so that both top-needle pegged on the magnet. Magnetic stronger magnet to attract more than ten-iron needles, even attracts a pour some knives. Tao Hongjing not only the strength of a magnetic neutral, but that the measurement method. This may be the world's first magnetic measurement records. My ancestors on the nature of the magnet study and understanding of the invention of the compass and development. ======================================== ===================== "compass" : build a cutting-edge producer of the film entitled Love Tragedy : compass producer : Hu Jie filmmaker Director : Wang Chun-Director : Lu revolution Playwright : Hu Jie Lu Lingxianzhuyan revolution : Liu Jia Yu Ming Luo decorated dragon decorated Zhang Ling Cher starring : Hu Ying Yi Chen An-hui is decorated in autumn decorated Shaomai Fu Ling Zhang Bing came showcase : long see-video film culture institutions types : Drama / Romance Synopsis tells the story of four college classmates : youth sunshine youth cartoonist Long Cher (Liujiahu mins) in a CHANCE were falling in love with Zhang Ling, and Zhang Ling is a tragic experience : Ling Zhang (Ming Luo mins), heart (Hu Ying Yi mins), TONY (Wang Zhentao mins), Blue think (Yan Jiaqi jewelry) because of the common ideal created Xinling software development company, and the development of a strong function of the "compass" anti-hacking software. However, the shortage of funds for Xinling the company is in a predicament, Blue want to die just to pay back a company for survival Xinling the orders were not given Zhang Ling's love, When Mr Zhang Ling would suddenly find love at the heart Once there, hated to leave. Love into hate to think of the Blue retaliation Zhang Ling, the other to set up a blue software development company, and decided Xinling companies contend with in the end. At this time, bathed in the love of Zhang Ling does not yet know that his love and planting due to congenital brain gene deletion syndrome has come to death Edge. Zhang Ling planting in order to retain the most beautiful images The decision also loves his classmates TONY fabricated lies a death, and hope in their dying before Zhang Ling completing his "compass 2" software development. TONY love to silently endured. Planting sudden death, Zhang Ling fall into the abyss of suffering, just to survive liquor. Long Cher and decided to use her share ardent love to heal wounds Ling Zha