ITP _额外_渗透= 0x000010000000000
ITP _哈斯_刺刀= 0x000020000000000
ITP _斜面_重新加载_同时_移动= 0x0000400000000000
ITP _忽略_重力= 0x000080000000000
ITP _忽略_摩擦= 0x000100000000000
ITP _额外_渗透额外渗透?
ITP _有_刺刀有刺刀吗?
ITP _忽略_摩擦力忽略空气阻力。
player _ set _ is _ admin = 429 #(player _ set _ is _ admin,& ltplayer _ id & gt,& lt值& gt),#值为0或1
player _ set _ is _ muted = 440 #(player _ set _ is _ muted,& ltplayer _ id & gt,& lt值& gt,[mute_for_everyone]),#mute_for_everyone可选参数应该设置为1如果播放器对所有人静音(这只在服务器上有效)。
player _ get _ gender = 442 #(player _ get _ gender,& lt目的地& gt,& ltplayer _ id & gt),
play _ sound _ at _ position = 599 #(play _ sound _ at _ position,lt;sound _ id & gt,& ltposition _ no & gt,[选项]),
position _ get _ rotation _ around _ x = 742 #(position _ get _ rotation _ around _ x,& lt目的地& gt,& ltposition _ no & gt),#绕x轴的旋转作为角度返回
position _ get _ rotation _ around _ y = 743 #(position _ get _ rotation _ around _ y,& lt目的地& gt,& ltposition _ no & gt),#绕y轴的旋转作为角度返回
position _ set _ scale _ x = 744 #(position _ set _ scale _ x,& ltposition _ no & gt,& lt值固定点& gt),#x刻度以米/定点乘数设置
position _ set _ scale _ y = 745 #(position _ set _ scale _ y,& ltposition _ no & gt,& lt值固定点& gt),#y刻度以米/定点乘数设置
position _ set _ scale _ z = 746 #(position _ set _ scale _ z,& ltposition _ no & gt,& lt值固定点& gt),#z刻度以米/定点乘数设置
position _ get _ distance _ to _ terrain = 792 #目的地& gt,& ltposition _ no & gt),#只在任务期间有效
get _ level _ boundary = 991 #(get _ level _ boundary,& lt目的地& gt,& ltlevel _ no & gt),
auto _ set _ meta _ mission _ at _ end _ committed = 1305 #(auto _ set _ meta _ mission _ at _ end _ committed),
部队集合类= 1517 #(部队集合类,& lt部队id & gt,& lt值& gt),
agent _ get _ speed = 1689 #(agent _ get _ speed,& ltposition _ no & gt,& ltagent _ id & gt),#将返回x和y方向的速度
agent _ refill _ weaved _ shield _ hit _ points = 1692 #(agent _ refill _ weaved _ shield _ hit _ points,& ltagent _ id & gt),
agent _ set _ animation = 1740 #(agent _ set _ animation,& ltagent _ id & gt,& ltanim _ id & gt,[通道号]),#通道号默认为0。仅顶部主体动画的channel_no值应为1。
agent _ get _ attached _ scene _ prop = 1756 #(agent _ get _ attached _ scene _ prop,& lt目的地& gt,& ltagent _ id & gt)
agent _ set _ attached _ scene _ prop = 1757 #(agent _ set _ attached _ scene _ prop,& ltagent _ id & gt,& ltscene_prop_id >)
agent _ set _ division = 1783 #(agent _ set _ division,& ltagent _ id & gt,& lt值& gt),
agent _ get _ item _ slot = 1804 #(agent _ get _ item _ slot,& lt目的地& gt,& ltagent _ id & gt,& lt值& gt),值在0-7之间,顺序是武器1,武器2,武器3,武器4,头部_护甲,身体_护甲,腿部_护甲,手部_护甲
agent _ stop _ sound = 1808 #(agent _ stop _ sound,& ltagent _ id & gt),
agent _ set _ attached _ scene _ prop _ y = 1809 #(agent _ set _ attached _ scene _ prop _ y,& ltagent _ id & gt,& lt值& gt)
scene _ prop _ set _ visibility = 1813 #(scene _ prop _ set _ visibility,& ltscene_prop_id >,& lt值& gt),
scene _ prop _ set _ hit _ points = 1814 #(scene _ prop _ set _ hit _ points,& ltscene_prop_id >,& lt值& gt),
scene _ prop _ get _ hit _ points = 1815 #(scene _ prop _ get _ hit _ points,& lt目的地& gt,& ltscene_prop_id >),
scene _ prop _ get _ max _ hit _ points = 1816 #(scene _ prop _ get _ max _ hit _ points,& lt目的地& gt,& ltscene_prop_id >),
class _ set _ name = 1837 #(class _ set _ name,& ltsub _ class & gt,& ltstring _ id & gt),
属性实例有效= 1838 #(属性实例有效,& ltscene_prop_id >),
prop _ instance _ set _ scale = 1854 #(prop _ instance _ set _ scale,& ltscene_prop_id >,& lt值x固定点& gt,& ltvalue_y_fixed_point >,& lt值z固定点& gt),
属性实例集位置= 1855 #(属性实例集位置,& ltscene_prop_id >,& ltposition _ no & gt,[不要发送给客户]),
prop _ instance _ receive _ damage = 1877 #(prop _ instance _ receive _ damage,& ltscene_prop_id >,& ltagent _ id & gt,& lt损害值& gt),
prop _ instance _ intersect _ with _ prop _ instance = 1880 #(prop _ instance _ intersect _ with _ prop _ instance,& ltscene_prop_id >,& ltscene_prop_id >),#给second scene_prop_id as -1检查所有场景道具。
replace _ prop _ instance = 1889 #(replace _ prop _ instance,& ltscene_prop_id >,& ltnew _ scene _ prop _ id & gt),
spawn _ item = 1971 #(spawn _ item,& ltitem _ kind _ id & gt,& ltitem _ modifier & gt,[seconds _ before _ pruning])#如果seconds_before_pruning = 0,则项目永远不会被修剪
store _ asin = 2140 #(store _ asin,& lt目的地固定点& gt,& lt值固定点& gt),
store _ acos = 2141 #(store _ acos,& lt目的地固定点& gt,& lt值固定点& gt),
store _ atan = 2142 #(store _ atan,& lt目的地固定点& gt,& lt值固定点& gt),
store _ atan2 = 2143 #(store _ atan2,& lt目的地固定点& gt,& lt值固定点& gt,& lt值固定点& gt),#第一个值是y,第二个值是x
str _ encode _ URL = 2355 #(str _ encode _ URL,& lt字符串_寄存器& gt),
sokf _ missiles _ not _ attached = 0x 00000000080000 #仅适用于动态任务对象
ti _ on _ agent _ hit =-28.0 #只能在module_mission_templates触发器中使用
# triggerparam 1:受损害影响的agent _ id(受害者)
# triggerparam2:损害经销商agent _ id (hitter)
# triggerparam3:冲击损伤(造成的损伤)
ti _ on _ scene _ prop _ start _ use =-47.0 #只能用于module_scene_props触发器
# Trigger Param 1:用户代理id
# Trigger Param 2:属性实例号
ti _ on _ scene _ prop _ cancel _ use =-48.0 #只能用于module_scene_props触发器
# Trigger Param 1:用户代理id
# Trigger Param 2:属性实例号
ti _ on _ item _ picked _ up =-53.0 #只能在模块任务模板触发器58中使用
# Trigger Param 3:场景道具id(触发后将被删除)
ti _ on _ item _ dropped =-54.0 #只能在module_mission_templates触发器中使用
# Trigger Param 3:场景道具id
ti _ on _ agent _ mount =-55.0 #只能在module_mission_templates触发器中使用
ti _ on _ agent _ dismount =-56.0 #只能在module_mission_templates触发器中使用
ti _ on _ item _ weaved =-57.0 #只能在模块任务模板触发器中使用
ti _ on _ item _ unwelded =-58.0 #只能在module_mission_templates触发器中使用
["equip_bayonet ",0,AMF _ priority _ equip | AMF _ play | AMF _ restart | AMF _ client _ prediction
[1.0," anim_human ",0,1,0]],1805[" unused _ human _ anim _ 12 ",0,0,[1.0," anim_human ",0,1,0]],
## [0.8,"装备_武器",253,276,arf_blend_in_0]],
【"不平等_刺刀",0,AMF _ priority _ equip | AMF _ play | AMF _ restart | AMF _ client _ prediction,
[1.0," anim_human ",0,1,0]],1806[" unused _ human _ anim _ 13 ",0,0,[1.0," anim_human ",0,1,0]],
## [0.2,"装备_武器",254,250,arf_blend_in_0]],
Module _ dialogs.py,module _ game _ menus.py,module _ scripts.py,module _ simple _ triggers.py,module _ strings.py都有一些修正或者改动,修正的是主要的。