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Chinese Boxing League plan formal preparatory North-South Division, please foreign aid at 14:26 on April 9, 2009 [a comment] [Word Count:] Source: Legal Evening News North-South Division, to hire foreign aid,mens nike free 3.0, China will also build your own boxing professional league. Yesterday afternoon, the State General Administration of Sport boxing Tae Chang Jianping,dunks nike heels, director of the Center received a reporters interview, said boxing is also expected to as CBA,nike air max jr 2011, Super,cheap nike heels, as a nationwide system of home and away league. ● Administration of progress has already been approved to submit confident FW: Boxing Leagues organizing had now progressed to what extent? Chang Jianping: We have plans submitted to General Administration of Sport, now so approved, I hope great. FW: Why so confident? Chang Jianping: confidence in the results from the Chinese boxing and the market. Olympic Games in Beijing, we achieved the gold medal breakthrough,nike air 247, but what is two. Chinese boxing in recent years have been very stable, and there is Zou Shiming, Zhang Xiaoping such a star boxer, more influential. In addition, in China, many people like to watch boxing, CCTV5 broadcast every Sunday of the world boxing tournament, the ratings are very high. FW: What do you expect to see China Quanmi when this league? Chang Jianping: because this is the Games year,women nike air max 24 7 shoes, we plan to open in May and June next year to play. ● planning district is located north and south main road to the introduction of the foreign aid FW: Chinas boxing program in the league have a preliminary idea of ?the rules? Chang Jianping: basic rules and the Olympic boxing competition, or, as in the competition system will draw on football, basketball league. We are planning the scale of eight clubs participating, the use of North-South Division, four clubs in each district, separate team competition and individual competition. Team is seven levels, each club of seven players,griffeys, four of which achieved victory on the level of access to the spot win. Team will be decided at a championship, individual competition will be pre-out North and South champion, and then champion of the North-South Championship. FW: Like home and away,nike free 2010, the professional league within the foreign aid this feature, you consider it? Chang Jianping: of course,white griffeys, home and away league system. Including foreign aid,men nike free 5.0, our plan is that each club can only please two foreign aid, but each team must have three Neiyuan. We require at least in the national championship, the Games of the top five athletes to participate in this league, it is necessary to encourage Neiyuan circulation. Chinas professional boxing league must be the nations top athletes. FW: participate in the first league of eight clubs to determine it? Chang Jianping: Not yet, but the general direction has been. We consider two criteria, one boxing results,white griffeys, the second is market potential. Like Beijing,mens nike free run, it might be an important arena,nike free 2011, Beijing people are also likely to have their own boxing home team. Also trained as Zou Shiming of Guizhou, Inner Mongolia,nike free run women, cultivate Zhang Xiaoping, there are eight clubs to become a member. Text / Correspondent Sun Yi (Editor: michelle) [a comment]
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