
TTYL, -talk to you later 以后再谈

AFK, -away from keyboard不在电脑前

ROFL- Rolling on the floor在地上打滚

BTW=by the way 顺便说一声等等举例

TIA=Thanks In Advance 提前谢谢;

VG=Very Good 非常好;

OIC=Oh,I See 哦,我明白了;

FTF=Face To Face 面对面;

FAQ=Frequently Ask Question 常见问题;

OTOH=On The Other Hand 另一方面;

RSN=Real Soon Now 马上;

PS=Post Script 附言;

BBL=Be Back Later 晚点回来;

R U THERE=Are You There? 你在那里吗?

4 = for;

4ever = forever;

ASL = Age/Sex/Location 年龄、性别、住址;

ASAP = As soon as possible尽快;

asl是Age, sex and location 的所写,年龄,性别和地址(国籍)?

lol是laugh out loud的缩写,意思是大声笑,笑的很开心的样子



asap=as soon as possible?


g2g = got to go