1.[地球物理] lightning; flashing lightning; al sáeqa: 片状闪电 sheet lightning; 链状闪电 chain(ed) lightning; 闪电进攻 make a lightning attack; 闪电光辉夺目。 The lightning was vivid. 他的目光犹如一道闪电。 His eyes glared like lightning.◇闪电测量仪 fulgurometer; 闪电放电 [地球物理] lightning discharge; 闪电战 lightning war; blitzkrieg; blitz; 闪电战术 lightning tactics
2. flame; blaze
4.finality; final; end; final stage; wind up; end up◇终结符 terminal symbol; termination symbol; 终结帐簿 book of final entry;终结帐户 terminal account; close an account; 终结执行 [法律] termination of execution
5.1.[基督教] doomsday; Day of Judgment; Judgment Day: 末日审判 Last Judgment; [宗教] 世界末日 lastday2.(死亡或灭亡的日子) end; doom: 末日将至 one's last day is soon reached; 末日可数 one's days are numbered; 侵略者的末日 the end of the aggressors
6.1.[气象学] whole gale2.(猛烈的风) fierce wind; wild wind: 狂风呼啸。 The wind howled. 几百棵大树被狂风刮倒了。 Hundreds of trees were blown down in the gale.◇狂风警报[气象学] whole-gale warning
7.blizzard wind; snowstorm; blizzard
8.palace; palazzo; [西班牙] alcazar◇宫殿遗址 remain of a palace
9.1.(没有光) dark; dim; midnight: 在黑暗中 in the dark; 一个黑暗的无月光的夜晚 a dark moonless night; 黑暗的角落 a dark corner2.(落后; 腐败) reactionary; dark: 黑暗面 the seamy side; a dark aspect; 黑暗统治 dark rule; reactionary rule
10.evil; ill; wicked; vicious: 社会邪恶 social evils; 邪恶的念头 wicked thoughts; 善良压倒邪恶。 The good overbalances the evil.
11.inferno; hell: 人间地狱 a hell on earth; living hell; 宁在地狱为王, 不在天堂为臣。 [谚语] Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.◇地狱恐怖 hadephobia; 地狱潜鸟 hell-diver
12.poisonous substance; poison;toxicant:烈性毒药 a powerful [strong; violent] poison; 慢性毒药 slow [cumulative] poison: 马钱子碱、砷和鸦片都是毒药。Strychnine, arsenic, and opium are poison. 酒精饮料对小孩犹如毒药。Alcoholic drinks act as a poison to a child.◇毒药攻邪 attacking a pathogenic factor with a poison-ous drug; 毒药片剂 toxicotabella; toxitabella;
13.frozen; frost; freeze, freezing; gelivation: 冰冻三尺, 非一日之寒。 It takes more than one cold day for the river to freeze three feet deep -- the trouble has been brewing for quite some time.
14.1.(佛教称阻碍佛法及一切善事的恶神恶鬼) demon; devil; evil spirit2.(比喻十分凶恶的人) evil person: 避开恶魔 ward off malignant demons; 赶走恶魔 drive off demons◇恶魔星 Demon Star
15.nightmare; frightening dream; horrible dream: 他为噩梦所折磨。 He is troubled by [with] nightmare.
16.historical remains; relic; vestigium; token; ruin; vestige; traces: 古代文明的遗迹 traces of an ancient civilization; 古罗马遗迹 the remains of ancient Rome
17.ruins; remainder; wasteland; wastage; debris: 城市废墟 ruined city; 古堡的废墟 the moldering ruins of an old castle; 一堆废墟 a heap of ruins; 那个城市现在成了一片废墟。The city is now in ruins.
18.suffering; calamity; disaster; catastrophe: 遭受灾难 suffer disaster; 避免一场大灾难 avert a catastrophe; 最近南方的洪水是一场灾难。 The recent flooding in the south was a calamity.
19.Ⅰ名词1.(神灵) god; deity; divinity: 爱神 the god [goddess] of love; Venus; Aphrodite; 海神 the god of the sea; 河神 a river god; 酒神 the god of wine; 门神 door-god; 天神 god; deity; 墨丘利是商业之神。 Mercury was the presiding divinity over commerce.2.(精神; 精力) spirit; mind: 闭目养神 close one's eyes and rest one's mind; 耗神 take up one's energy; 凝神 concentrate [focus] one's attention; 走神 be absentminded; 他双目炯炯有神。 He has a pair of bright piercing eyes.3.(神气; 神情) expression; look: 眼神 expression in the eyes4.(姓氏) a surname: 神曜 Shen YaoⅡ形容词1.(特别高超或出奇的; 令人惊异的) supernatural; magical: 神效 magical [miraculous] effect; 神医 miracle-working doctor2.[方言] (聪明; 机灵) smart; clever: 这孩子真神 ! What a smart child! 这家伙神了! This fellow is incredible!