opera 还有中文版吗?



注意点那个下载链接上方的more options链接,选国际版再下载。安装之就是全语言版(但会加一堆语言文件夹。。。)


不想麻烦的话可以从下载链接下方的“Opera语言文件”链接页面下载本版本适合的Chinese simplified语言文件,之后操作放到语言文件目录下并在首选项中切换界面语言。

具体操作看语言文件下载页面右侧链接:intallation instructions



Opera is available in many languages. Depending on the version of Opera you are using, you may have multiple languages pre-installed, or you may have only a single language. In either case, additional languages may be installed by downloading the appropriate language files.

Please notice that the download page of Opera for Windows includes an International option with all the current language files.

To activate your language, select it from the menu under Tools > Preferences > General > Language. Once you press OK, the user interface should immediately change to the language of your choice, if the appropriate language file is included on your system.

If the language file of your choice is not pre-installed, you can install it manually. To see if Opera is available in your language, see the language files list, read the instructions, and download the appropriate file. Note that some localized versions have English help files.

Step by step

Download a new language file

Open Tools > Preferences > General > Details

Click the Choose button and select the language file you want Opera to use.