
cut you loose 放开你 eg:?Why don't?you?cut?me?loose? I'll open your meat shirt and show you your own heart.不如给我松绑,我把你的心挖出来给你看看。

2.cut you loose 结束和某人的关系 eg:when i was at my lowest point,you cut me loose.当我处于人生最低谷的时候,你抛弃了我。

3.cut loose 放松,狂欢 eg:you dad not at here,no one`s gonna tell him if you cut loose.你爸爸不在这里,即使你放开来狂欢也不会有人告诉他。

4.cut loose 不受约束,自由行动 eg:he`s ready to cut loose at this game.他真的准备自由驰游游戏了。