
虽然距离现代化的大都市只有六千公里,但居住在非洲卡拉哈里地区的人对于现代化的事物却一无所知。卡拉哈里是个看上去像沙漠却又不是沙漠的地方,在那里,每年有9个月的时间是干旱无雨的,许多动物都因为无法适应这里的环境而纷纷离开。可在卡拉哈里人看来,这里却像天堂一样美好,他们可以挖树根、收集清晨树叶上的露珠来解渴,可以K打猎来维持生命,他们之间没有矛盾和纷争,在他们的心目中,上帝每天都在默默地注视并保佑着他们。如果哪天听到天空中飞机飞过的轰隆声,他们会以为那是上帝吃得太饱在打嗝。基还是频频与“现代人”闹笑话。他为了寻找误乘了偷猎者的卡车的孩子再次踏上了旅程,途中遇上一对迷路的古怪夫妻,并和他们展开了奇趣的冒险 。

Although only has 6,000 kilometers from the modernized metropolis, butlives in the African Kara Harry area person actually knows nothingabout regarding the modernized thing. Kara Harry is has a liking forlikes the desert actually is not the desert place, in there, has 9month-long every year the time is the arid non- rain, many animals allbecause are unable to adapt here environment but to leave inabundance. May look like in the Kara Harry person that, here actuallylikes the heaven to be equally happy, they may dig the tree root, thecollection early morning on the leaf dewdrop relieve thirst, may K gohunting maintains the life, between them not the contradiction and thedispute, in theirs mind, God in silently gaze at and is blessing themevery day. If which day hears the airplane has flown to the sky inbang the sound, they can think that is God eats full too is hittingthe belch. Base or repeatedly and "modern people" noisy joke. He inorder to seek rides secretly hunter(偷猎者) the truck child to tread the journeyonce more by mistake, on the way met the strange husbands and wiveswhich a pair became lost, and has launched the strange tastes riskwith them.