New York City is home to some of the finest restaurants in the world, but that doesn’t mean much if you can’t afford to eat at them. That’s why Restaurant Week is so popular—with locals and visitors alike. Twice a year, usually for 2-3 weeks in January/February and July/August, some of the best restaurants in New York offer three-course meals for relatively reasonable prices—currently $29 for lunch and $42 for dinner, not including drinks, tips and taxes. The schedule and list of participating restaurants is posted on nycgo about o weeks before each Restaurant Week begins. Everyone jumps at the chance to enjoy a gourmet meal at a quarter of the usual price, so be sure to make reservations as soon as the list is made available.
世上一些最优质的餐厅就在纽约市,但假如吃不起的话,对你来说就没什么意义。这也就是为什么餐厅周是如此受欢迎—当地人和游客都一样喜欢。餐厅周每年举行两次,为期二到三周,分别在1、2 月和7、8 月,纽约一些最顶级的餐厅会提供价格相对合理的三菜套餐—目前的价位是午餐 29 美元,晚餐 42 美元,不包括饮料、小费和税金。餐厅周开始前两周左右,nycgo 网站会列出时间表和参与活动的餐厅名单。大家都会把握机会,以平时价格的四分之一享用美食,所以名单列出后,要尽快订位。
选择餐厅进入 nycgo 的餐厅页面,找到 NYC Restaurant Week 之后,就可以依照地点、用餐时段、菜式(cuisine)选择,喜欢尝鲜的可以加选新参加餐厅(new participant),如果是一大群人要聚餐,就可以加选适合团体(good for groups),喜欢晒太阳的人可以设定露天座位(outdoor seating)。想知道心仪的餐厅是否有参加餐厅周,就直接打餐厅的名字搜寻,如果有参加,页面就会跑出餐厅周订位表单。
订位须知各家餐厅开放出来的时段多在周一至周五,nycgo 会直接连到 Open Table的订位系统,只要设定好人数(party size)、日期、时间,按下找位子(find a table),输入姓名、电话、email就能完成订位。有些餐厅有服装仪容规定(dress code),像是米其林餐厅都至少要穿轻便西装(business casual 或 *** art casual);也有餐厅要求必须留下能够致电确认订位的电话,如果打电话找不到人,订位会被取消。订位时请留意页面上的餐厅公告。
研究菜单有些餐厅会随当日备料变换菜色,网站上不一定会公布菜单。如果订位之前想确认套餐内容,就点网站上的预览菜单(menu preview 或 view menu)。三菜套餐包括前菜(appetizer)、主菜(entrée 或 main course )及甜点(dessert),大多数餐厅会各提供二到三种选择,有些会提供付费品尝的招牌酒(featured wine 或 sommelier wine selection)。精明一点的客人,可以先研究菜单是否包含该店招牌菜,有些餐厅的套餐会包含招牌菜,但在旁边加注(金额 + supplement),表示可加价选购,大家可以先按按计算机,再决定是否要订位。
A: Hello, Mr. Chen? 你好,陈先生吗? B: Yes, speaking. 是的,我就是。 A: I’m calling from Virginia’s to confirm your dinner reservation. 我这里是维吉尼亚餐厅,想跟你确认晚餐的订位。 B: Ah, right. 喔,对耶。 A: That’s a party of o for seven o’clock on Thursday the 28th. 是 28 日星期四,晚上 7 点两位。 B: Yes, that’s right. 对,没错。 A: OK, great. We’ll see you then! 好,太好了。那就到时候见!
抵达餐厅用餐你要说得溜1 Hi. We have a reservation for o under Chang. 嗨。我姓张,订了两个人的位子。 2 We have an eight o’clock reservation for four. 我们预订了 8 点钟,四个人的位子。 3 We made a Restaurant Week reservation. 我们订了餐厅周的座位。 4 Will the wait be very long? 要等很久吗?(编注:用于没有订位,直接进餐厅询问时) 5 Could we please see the Restaurant Week menu? 能让我们看看餐厅周的菜单吗?
在餐厅点菜你要说得溜1 Could I see the regular menu, please? 我可以看一下一般的菜单吗? 2 I think we’ll go with the Restaurant Week menu. 我还是点餐厅周的菜好了。 3 For my appetizer, I’d like the Heirloom Tomato Salad. 我的前菜要祖传番茄沙拉。(编注:祖传番茄为未经品种改良的番 茄) 4 I changed my mind—I’d like the Smoked Duck Salad instead. 我改变心意了—我要换成烟熏鸭沙拉。 5 What kind of dressing is the dinner salad served with? 晚餐沙拉淋的是哪种酱汁? 6 Which entrée would you remend? 主菜你会推荐哪一种? 7 For my entrée, I’d like to order the Filet Mignon. 至于主菜,我要点菲力牛排。 8 Which wine would go best with the Chilean Sea Bass? 哪种酒最适合搭配智利海鲈? 9 Is coffee or tea included in the meal price? 咖啡或茶包含在餐费里面吗? 10 The Risotto was excellent, but the Roasted Chicken Breast was a little bland. 义大利炖饭非常棒,但烤鸡胸肉就有点没味道。 11 We’ll be back to try the dishes on your regular menu. 我们会再来品尝你们一般菜单上的菜。
photo credit: pixabay
restaurant english, 英文点餐, 点餐 英文, 点餐英文 例句, 点餐英文 怎么说